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Parents, if you're nervous about traveling with your children, let me put your fears to rest. Traveling with children can be a fun and rewarding experience for everyone - including you! Many family-oriented resorts to a fantastic job of catering to both children and their parents so that everyone gets to have a fun and relaxing vacation.

For some parents, it's the day of travel that puts fear in their hearts. I have some tips for you that will make the travel day go smoothly and pass quickly for everyone.

I also like to think of my travel day as part of the vacation - not a necessary evil for getting to my destination. You know the saying, "it's about the journey, not the destination" - but I think a better way to think is that "it's about the journey and the destination." Travel days can be exciting and don't have to be stressful if you think of it as part of the fun! That excitement will translate to your children and everyone will be happier all day long.

Are you a parent with great tips that have worked for you when traveling with kids? Please share them in the comments!

-Funjet Insider Laura