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Being engaged is likely to be one of the most magical times in your life. We know that after you shout "YES!" from the rooftops, you will not be able to wait to tell your family, friends, and everyone in between. Telling them is only half the fun because we understand that showing them takes the excitement to an entirely new level. Nothing captures the emotion and excitement of two people madly in love like an engagement photo shoot.  Here are 10 engagement announcement ideas we love that will inspire and excite you to announce the big news this engagement season!

1.   P U P P Y    L O V E

Don’t forget to include your furry friends or fur babies in your engagement announcement! Our advice? Practice this balancing act before the official moment.

10 engagement announcement ideas we love

Paige Engel Photography

2.   F A L L - I N G   I N  L O V E

Be creative with the time of year like this couple did. We love that they used the pumpkins as a way to share their special date.

10 engagement announcement ideas we love

George Street Photo

3.   G E T   Y O U R   S A S S   O N

If you’ve been waiting for this day for a while, you might spice things up a bit with a sarcastically cute photo op.

10 engagement announcement ideas we love

Dimples and Tangles Blog

4.   M A K E   I T   A   F A M I L Y   A F F A I R

Have you started a family together or are perhaps bringing two families together as one? Involve the kids! Trust us, they make the most adorable additions.

10 engagement announcement ideas we love

Laura Chiles Photography

5.   N A M E    C H A N G E

Can’t wait to change your last name? Share your feelings with the world using an adorable sign with your soon-to-be new last name!

10 engagement announcement ideas we love

Toni Lynn Photography

6.   L E T   F R E E D O M   R I N G

Are you or your fiancé a member of the military? Show your pride by hosting a patriot themed engagement session. Your engagement announcement is guaranteed to have all the feels.

10 engagement announcement ideas we love

Nikita Gross Photography

7.   Y O U   A R E    T Y I N G   T H E   K N O T

Have some fun learning to tie different knots together and use your new talent for an epic, and punny, engagement announcement!

10 engagement announcements we love

The Big Day Blog

8.   I T   C A N   O N L Y   G O   U P   F R O M   H E R E

Let your favorite movie get the best of you! This couple took the feels from UP and incorporated it into their own announcement.

10 engagement announcement ideas we love

Aga Jones Photography

9.   L E T   M U S I C   M O V E   Y O U

We adore how this couple used some of their favorite country music lyrics to express themselves, and of course share their exciting news!

10 engagement announcement ideas we love

Colete Waters Photography

10.   'T I S   T H E   S E A S O N

Love the holiday season as much as we do? Get crafty and let your ring sparkle with the snow and incorporate some holiday joy in there too!

10 engagement announcement ideas we love

Landon Wise Photography